
Showing posts from July, 2024

Mythologies of the RANKÜLCHE RÜPÜ Tribe

Indigenous people who inhabited the territory of present-day Argentina and were part of the Pampas Indians (including the Het people) related to the Pehuenches, Puelches and Huarpes.  Known today as Ranqueles , they are located in the center of the country, in the south of San Luis and Mendoza, Córdoba, Santa Fe and the west of Buenos Aires. They were hunters, fishermen, gatherers, nomads, and agriculture was of little importance. They traded livestock that they exchanged for wine, yerba mate, liquors or metals. Craftsmanship was important in their activity: works in ceramics, leather, furs, fabrics, silver metallurgy.  Throughout the 19th century they remained in alliance with various tribes with whom they attacked in  "malones"  (guerrilla tactics) in aggression or in retaliation for the invasions and advances of the Spanish and later the Argentines in the west of the province. of Buenos Aires, the south of the province of Córdoba, the provinces of Mendoza, San Luis and San

Mytholgies of the Kom Tribe

  The  Kom people  are one of the indigenous and oldest tribe who had settled in  Manipur  since time immemorial. They share very similar traditional attires and surnames with Lamkang.The Kom tribes have Karong, Serto, Leivon and Tellien clans etc.They are mainly found in  Manipur  of  North-East India .  They use  Meitei language  as their  second language  (L2) according to the  Ethnologue .  According to the 2001 Census of India, the population of Kom people is 14,602.  Kom tribe is one of the important tribal communities of northeastern states, mainly found in the Senapati and Churachandpur districts of Manipur. These Kom tribes share the same language of other tribes like Aimol, Koireng, Chiru. They share a close affinity with the  Hmar tribes . According to a popular myth the ancestors of Kom tribes are said to have descended from a cave of other world and then went to the  Manipur  fort. A tiger used to lay in wait to kill them. Amongst these people, a person named, Karongpa ca

Mythologies of the Higaonon Tribes

Higaonon tribe  are one of the remaining tribes still holding on to the land they have co-existed with peacefully. I should rephrase, the Higaonon aren’t still holding on but are rather desperately fighting to cling on to their land. Other tribal chiefs have gotten with the times and sold and sold and sold the land and livelihood of their people to those, like Madasa Mining and Resources, who can offer the quickest way to the abstract promise stated earlier.  The Higaonon tribe, led by Chief Datu, have dedicated their lives to their own promise of delivering the richness and vitality of their culture back to what it was when their ancestors could live off the nature and express their unique culture freely and without threat to their existence.  As a member of the Higaonon eloquently put it “Without the environment there is no land — without land there is no culture, no beliefs — without beliefs there are no people.”  The Higaonon tribe registered the non-government organization Tribes