Mythologies of the Munduruku Tribe

The Munduruku , also known as Mundurucu or Wuy Jugu , are an indigenous people of Brazil living in the Amazon River basin. Some Munduruku communities are part of the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land . They had an estimated population in 2014 of 13,755. Traditionally the Munduruku's territory, called Mundurukânia in the 19th century, was the Tapajós river valley. In 1788, they completely defeated their ancient enemies the Muras . After 1803 they lived at peace with the Brazilians . The Munduruku live in southwest of the state of Pará along the Tapajós river and its tributaries in the municipalities of Santarém , Itaituba and Jacareacanga , in the east of the state of Amazonas along the Canumã River in the municipality of Nova Olinda and the municipality of Borba , and in the north of the state of Mato Gross...