
Showing posts from November, 2023

Mythologies of the Munduruku Tribe

  The  Munduruku , also known as  Mundurucu  or  Wuy Jugu , are an  indigenous people of Brazil  living in the  Amazon River  basin. Some Munduruku communities are part of the  Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land .  They had an estimated population in 2014 of 13,755.  Traditionally the Munduruku's territory, called Mundurukânia in the 19th century, was the   Tapajós   river valley.   In 1788, they completely defeated their ancient enemies the   Muras . After 1803 they lived at peace with the   Brazilians .  The Munduruku live in southwest of the state of Pará along the Tapajós river and its tributaries in the municipalities of  Santarém ,  Itaituba  and  Jacareacanga , in the east of the state of  Amazonas  along the  Canumã River  in the municipality of  Nova Olinda  and the municipality of  Borba , and in the north of the state of  Mato Grosso  in the  Peixes River  region in the municipality of  Juara . They usually inhabit forest regions on the margins of navigable rivers, and their

Mythologies of the Terena Tribes

  The  Terena  people are an  indigenous people  of  Brazil . Their traditional language is  Terena . They live in the states of  Mato Grosso ,  Mato Grosso do Sul , and  São Paulo .  With the establishment of the  Serviço de Proteção aos Índios  in 1910, the definite allocation of Indian lands shortly afterwards, and the location of a government Indian Post near  Taunay  in 1916, the Terena people were placed under a  reservation -like system.  On 15 May 2013, a group of hundreds of Terena re-occupied a parcel of land, now owned by a local politician and rancher, that they believe is part of their Indigenous ancestral territory. The Buriti farm is in the   Sidrolândia   municipality. After two weeks of occupation, they were forcibly evicted on 30 May by local police. One of their members, 35-year-old Osiel Gabriel, was shot and killed by police during the eviction, and three others were injured.   The Terena managed to regain control of the land on 1 June. With a population of approx